Childhood Vaccinations


We offer a full childhood immunisation programme.

The schedule for babies born on or after 1 October 2016:

2 Months6 in 1 + PCV + Men B + Rotavirus
3 injections + Oral Drops
4 Months6 in 1 + Men B + Rotavirus
2 Injections + Oral Drops
6 Months6 in 1 + PCV + Men C
3 Injections
12 MonthsMMR + Men B
2 Injections
13 MonthsHib/Men C + PCV
2 Injections
4 - 5 Years4 in 1 + MMR

Remember to give your baby 3 doses of liquid infant paracetamol after the 2 and 4 month Men B vaccines.

Sligo Clinic also offers flu vaccinations